Collaborations and synergies

EMERITUS has a structured and ongoing activity to develop collaborations and synergies with similar funded projects, organisations, and institutional initiatives.

If you want to collaborate with the EMERITUS project, contact us through the contact form at the bottom of the page!

The institutional collaborations established so far include

  • IMPEL, the European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law;
  • ENPE, the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment.

Here you can read more about the EMERITUS-PERIVALLON co-creation session on the urgent needs and tools for fighting waste-related environmental crimes IMPEL and ENPE attended.

  • CERIS, the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security
  • EUSPA, the EU Agency for Space Programme;
  • Europol, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation.

Moreover, EMERITUS is collaborating with the following funded projects and is part of the LEA Projects Cluster (more info at the bottom)