One of the core outcomes of EMERITUS is the creation of a training programme for police authorities and other security practitioners focused on environmental crimes investigation. The training programme is intended to improve LEAs/BGs’ specialised knowledge and practical experience in the use of advanced technologies such as drones and satellite images for forensic purposes, in line with a tailored investigation protocol. As such, the training programme (>2 simulations exercised, 40h total training) will complement the EMERITUS platform as the core tool to empower LEAs/BGs to actually use the tool in operative conditions. Noteworthy, during the project implementation, the training programme will be tested and refined with the representatives of the partner LEAs/BGs, whose acquired knowledge will be certified by CIFAL Malaga-UNITAR.

The following police authorities and security practitioners took part to the EMERITUS training programmes delivered:

Torino City Council (PLTO)

Italian Defence Ministry (IT-CC)

Hellenic Police (GRBG)

Moldavian Police (MD POL)

Romanian Border Police (RO BG)

Romanian National Environmental Guard (GNM)

Malaga City Council (MOM)

Moldavian Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (MD IPM)

International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM)

Kosovo Police (KP)